viernes, 10 de agosto de 2007

Trip to the Doctor

Isabelle needs her vaccinations and is having some stomach problems, so we're going to see Dr. Juarez here in Antigua. He speaks English, which is important so I can understand what he wants me to do for her.

This morning I spent my free time (after Spanish lessons) on the phone talking to Isabelle's doctor in Guatemala City (Dr. Ramirez), Dr. Juarez here, and our attorney's sister (who speaks English) here to be sure I could take her to a doctor here rather than Dr. Ramirez in GC. Turns out it's okay, I just need to be sure that Dr. Juarez signs the final health document for the adoption.

After going to one hospital and being told it was the wrong one, I went to Reya de Los Angelos hospital, and Dr. Juarez's office was next door. We waited our turn, and then the doctor looked her over and said she was growing well and looked basically healthy. She has a slight fever, 100 F, so he thinks she has a cold so she's on cold medicine every 6 hours (yawn, one more time to wake up in the night). She has a rash that comes and goes which he thinks is scabbies (yuck). I think it's heat rash from me carying in the hip sling in the hot, humid weather here, but he's sure it's not. So, we have soap for both of us (now we'll smell like a medicine cabenet) and a lotion to stop the itching (which she doesn't have). And, she has some type of a fungus infection (red areas in diaper area) so we have a cream for that.

Basically, we're now a small hospital and I'm the head nurse.

Better safe than sorry, I suppose.

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