miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011


Last night's story was about days of the week with "Blue" and there was dinosaur stickers on the days of the week and a trip on the last day to the dinosaur museum. You asked about why the dinosaur just had bones so I tried to explain it. There was a meteor and it got too cold and there was stuff in blocking the sun.

Today after preschool, Mackenzie's Mom told me you told her and Penny about the dinosaurs and how the meteor made them extinct. They were impressed. Then Penny got a bin with dinosaurs and she said you then lost interest. However, this evening you came out of your room with a stuffed stegosaurus that I had forgotten you had. You saw it at the tip-top of your closet and got out your ladder and maneuvered it down.

You are cute as a button, even when you have a cold.

martes, 4 de enero de 2011


We visited with the cousins over New Years. Sadly, you are not that interested in playing with Kiera, who is 3 months younger than you. You loved to play with Julie, who is 4 years older than you, and some with Ryan who is 2 years older than you. You did play a little bit with Kiera when the rest of us were playing a card game, playing house with you as Mother as her as the girl.

You did a great job riding your bike around the lake for 2.5 miles. The last mile you needed a lot of help from Dad and you cried a fair amount, but you still tried to catch up to Ryan. Both Aunt Jennie and Uncle Dave were very impressed that you could ride your bike without training wheels.

Christmas was fun, and you liked the toys. I like the games because they're fun to play with you.

Tonight you told me "Mama Modesta is not my favorite Mama. Mama Maria is my favorite Mama". I asked why and you said something about Mama Maria liking you better. I told you that Mama Modesta would adore you if she knew you better. You then asked if Mama Maria and Mama Modesta live together and are friends. I was trying to think of how to explain it to you. I said "No, but isn't it great they could work together for you?" You thought that sounded good.

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Giant Polar Express

Last night we went to see the polar express at OMSI on their giant screen. We went with Jami and Grayson and all had a great time. Then we went with them into OMSI, and you and Grayson pulled us into the Kids Explore Land the moment you saw it. You two began by collecting big plastic acorns, as many as your little arms could carry, and moved on to going after bears in the bear cave, hiding the acorns in the eagle's nest, pulling stuff up in the bucket on a pulley, and lastly played in the sand.

Today we had waffles, you went with me to mail a package, we stopped to shop at New Seasons, and you played with Dad while I rested. For lunch you had a few spoonfuls of soup while Dad and I had ham and cheese sandwiches and soup. For dinner you had pees with cheese.

You adore "Carol of the Bells" and will listen to it non-stop. You have almost memorized the words to it and can sing it pretty well. You want to hear it EVERY time we get in the car, and Dad and I have to negotiate with you on how many other songs we'll hear before we play "Carol of the Bells" 4 times through.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

UP and down

Your moods seem to go way way UP and then way way DOWN. You never seem to be just floating along. Today you were thrilled to see me after day care at Aunty B's and talked about what you'd done, then had a screaming fit when I took your Boggle game away when you were really rude. Then were back to happy bouncy kid for dinner and movie.

Your bike riding is fabulous. You have changed your Christmas list twice now (took off the bike basket and snuffaluffagus and put on the game Operation with Buzz Lightyear and a Thomas the Train set with the mountain).

School is going well. You're not part of the cool kids, but you are playing more with the other kids and it doesn't seem to be bothering you as much as it used to.

Two days ago you said "Your Daddy's life." I said "Yes, and I'm also his wife." (Don't know where you heard that :-) So you said "And Daddy is your wife." "No, Daddy is my husband."

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Climbing the Social Ladder.

We had the work party for your preschool on Saturday, and got 4 hours worth of work done in 2 hours. Mostly because Robert and I both went and you watched the video 'How to Train a Dragon' quietly in the school office. The school takes up a lot of time, but I think it's been so good for you. At first I was worried because you wanted to be part of the group of four older, more social girls who had been at HPP last year and they weren't letting you in. I talked to Teacher Penny about it, wondering if maybe I should move you to the younger class, but she said no, you were in the right class. Then, about 2 weeks ago, something clicked and you were part of the group. You're still a junior member, not the first one the girls go to, but you seem to be able to join in now. I'm very proud and impressed.

And, now you will run and play while I'm there, which means I can stay and watch you or talk to the other Moms. At first, you wouldn't play with anyone if I was there, just wanting to play with me (which is easier because we already share some ideas and because I'll often play what you want and go along with your ideas. It's tough work playing with other kids.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

At preschool you are getting along with the other girls well. You don't do as well when I'm there; you will cling to me and be rude to them. Today Nasya, Mira, and Emilia ran after you when you ran to see me before I left after dropping you off. They were talking about being friends and something about everyone gets to be friends. You told them to go away, you were just going to be with me. And your tone was very rude. So, I kissed you on the head and left. I think it must be hard work getting along with others and you look for the easy company of Mom. I also think that's why you need exercise right after preschool.

You helped pick up after dinner tonight, even wiping down the table without any problem. I've been slowly adding chores and you're getting the hand of them. You now put your own dishes away, pick up your own dishes for all the meals and snacks, get out your own dishes for meals and snacks, pick up Dad's dishes in the morning, wipe off the table after meals, feed the dog (we get the food for you) including having Isbre get the paper in the morning, put Isbre in her kennel when we leave the house, and make sure the dog toys are picked up and put in her bin.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


You are telling long, complicated stories now. Tonight had to do with Grandma and her dying and being in heaven and still being alive.

You like role playing at school and at home, and you wear a blanket with a knot in it for a super hero cape. And, sometimes your Madeline hat (purple, big brimmed).

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

pre school count-down

Teacher Penny visited today. You were so happy and wanted to bring out every single toy you had. Teacher Penny is wonderful, and so on a young child's level. When you got out the elephant game, she thought about just tossing the butterflies to make the game more fun for you, rather than having them fly out of the elephant's trunk, and you loved it! I'd never have thought of it.

You are excited about school, loving being at Aunty B's daycare, are incredibly imaginative in your play, like to control things (including conversations) and seem to respond well to rewards.

I got a speeding ticket taking you to Aunty B's on Wednesday and now you tell me continuously in the car to slow

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Yah Yah!! Sunny day

It was a rare sunny day in Oregon in the winter today.  It's supposed to start being it's usual cold and rainy self again tomorrow, so when you asked to go to the playground for the 5th time today, I said yes.  We went to Magnolia park after gymnastics and you had a blast.  You could run around on the equipment all day, especially with me trailing along after you, pushing you on the swings and sliding down slides with you and climbing up the chain ladders. 

Several times you found other kids to play with.  You're still a bit new at the social scene, so it's good to see you playing.  You still need lots of prompting. 

"Tell her your name." 


"Say 'My name is Isabel.'" 

"My Name is Isabel."

"Ask her her name."


"Ask her what her name is."

"What's your name?"

For three year olds, that seems to be all it takes to get the ball rolling.  You and another girl, Freya, ran around played with saw dust and played with a ball you found until Freya tripped and got a bloody lip.  Even then you both wanted to play more, but Freya was looking a bit peeked so her mother took her for something to drink (milk, not something stronger).

You did very well in gymnastics today.  Dad gave you the big pep talk this morning and really poured it on thick. 

"I want you to be my good big girl today and do well in gymnastics.  Can you do that?"

"Yes Daddy."

"What does being good mean?"

"Listen to the teacher." (You have heard that several hundred times now.)


"Watch what she shows."

"Yes, and.."

"Follow the other kids."

"Yes, and..."


"Do all the obstacles on your course."

"Oh yeah, yes."

"Good job.  I know I'll be so proud of you.  When you finish call me up and tell me what a good job you did."

"And I get a snack!"

"Yes, then you get a snack for doing well.  I need you to be good in your class while I'm at work, so you can learn lots.  Can you do that for me?"

"Yes Dad.  Bye."

(kiss) "Bye.  Love you."

"Don't forget your hat., Dad."

"Ok.  Bye."  (Walks out the door.)

"Don't forget your lunch."

"Ok.  Gotta go.  Bye."  (Walks down the steps.)

"Don't walk in the street.  Come home about five thirty seventy two." (yelled as Dad's walking across the street).

(Hand wave from Dad.)

I wasn't sure if he poured it on a little thick, but you lapped it up and did your best.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

New way to put you to sleep - Spanish

I put you right to sleep tonight by reading from "My First 100 words in Spanish".  I would point to the picture and say the word, along with a sound if it had one.  I started trying to say it all in Spanish.  By the second page, you were fast asleep next to me.  Never underestimate the soporific power of study. 

You've started to call Dad "Guy".  As in "Hey guy, get up".  I have no idea where you got it from, but you use it more often than Dad.