miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

A Big Emotional Day - Ambulance and PGN


Today was the big emotional roller coaster day. First we got to ride in an ambulance, then we got the big news.

First, the ambulance. It started out like any other afternoon. I took Isabelle to the main square to watch the people and the fountains, then we went to the tourist police office to climb to the cross on the hill. We were walking through the streets with a small group going to the cross, when I tripped on those darn cobble stones. I took a header and because Isabelle was in the hip carrier, she went down with me. I know she came out of the carrier and hit her head, but I didn't know how hard. Scared the bejeesus out of me. The whole group stopped and gathered around us, and the police called the bomberos (fire/ambulance). I was a little shy about it because of the problems with adoption here, but then I knew I had to do it because I really didn't know how hard she'd hit her head. I saw some abrasions on the top of her head.

So, the ambulance came, the guys took a look, and said she should go to a doctor now. So, they took us to Dr. Juarez. She had stopped crying before we got in the ambulance, and now in the waiting rom she started to coo at the other kids. I was still worried, but feeling much better. When we got in, Dr. Juarez examined her and said she looked fine. He prescribed children's asprin and an anticeptic and sent us on our way.

While we were in the Dr.'s office, I got two calls on my cell phone which I hung up because I wanted to hear what the Dr. was saying. After we were done, I called the number back and it was Susanna (who works in our Guatemalan lawyer's office). She said that we just made it out of PGN. Woo Hoo!! That is huge news because that means the adoption is recognised by the Guatemalan government. Now we just need to spend 1 - 2 months convincing our government to let us take her home. But, that process is straight-forward and just takes time. It is not the endless hole that PGN can be. I am psyched, and had a celebratory beer this evening!

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