viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2007

1st Christmas!

Dad shows Isabelle how to run her new train from Santa Clause (one unwrapped present).
Isabelle has taken out two of the balls and is looking to see where the other one went.
Isabelle thanking Daddy for the nifty gift (showing she knows more about Santa than she should!).
Dad made waffles and we had them with mangos and whipping cream. Isabelle enjoyed hers a lot.
Taking a rest break with Dad from all the excitement.
My big Christmas project - baking and decorating sugar cookies.
Tearing paper off the big present from Grandma and Grandpa Hash. Isbre is checking out what the excitement is about.
Wow! A hand-made rocking horse. She's still a little tentative on it, but I know it will grow on her, as much as she likes to bounce.

Dad with his hand-made red scarf and home depot gift card.
Elizabeth with her hand-made head band and gift card to Barnes and Noble. Does my Mom know me, or what.
Isabelle with her new teal hat.
And with her new peach head band (a quick shot before she got it off).
In her new hand-made dress from Grandma Byrne. Someone has very talented grandparents.
Another view of the dress.

Taking a fun break to do one of Isabelle's favorite things, bounce on one of my exercise balls.
Isabelle's dress from her cousin Julie.
Absolutely fabulous set of balls/stacking half-balls from her Aunt Jenni. I've been looking for a stacking, sorting, building toy for weeks but haven't found one I really like. This one is wonderful, and it has so many ways to play with it (Tesla likes the balls, too).
Beautiful St. Nicholas ornament from Bill and Pat, our neighbors.
New whole outfit from our fashion icon, Aunt Deanna.
Whew, Christmas Day is more work when you're making the fun, not just enjoying it. Isabelle got both tired and amped by the end of the day, and wouldn't go to bed until 10pm. But, she did play quietly by herself from 7:30 on, which I think was her Christmas present to her parents, who ate a nice, quiet meal and watched Ratatoulle. It was blissful.

3 comentarios:

Terry dijo...

Beautiful family! So happy you were able to all spend Christmas together AT HOME!

Does Izzy (are we calling her that?) like the train? We thought about getting one for Tommy, but decided to wait for his birthday in Feb.


Katie dijo...

Adorable !!

elizabethAndIsabelle dijo...

Terry, you're right, it was so nice to spend Christmas at home. Izzy (I think that will be her nickname) likes the train, but doesn't get the whole motion thing. She likes to turn it on and dance (bounce) to the music. Sometimes she plays with the balls, watching them and trying to grab them.

Katie, thanks.