jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

At Oregon State University Showing Off Isabelle

I went to OSU last Thursday because I'd promised several people when I left that I'd bring her around after I brought her back from Guatemala. It's a 2 hour drive, so I knew it would be an all day trip, and it was. I only took the camera out when we were with Peggy (dang it) so there are only pictures of Isabelle with her.

First we met Peggy Heltman who drove up from Cresswell to Albany (about an hour drive) to see Isabelle. We didn't have as much time as I would have liked - only about 20 minutes, but Peggy got a chance to hold Isabelle and "talk" to her.

Then we drove to Corvallis and had lunch with Nancy Brown, who had given me a fabulous gift set of Guava bath accessories in a bag and I still use the bag for all of Isabelle's stuff when we go out. After that we went to the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at OSU where I used to work. There she crawled around on the long hallways and met Tina Batten (who gave me the beautiful white fluffy blanket that I've used in Isabelle's crib since I went down to Guatemala in June), Ferne Simendinger, Tyler DeAdder, Fran Saveriano, Gale Sumida, Xiaoli Ferne (who has a baby boy 2 months younger than Isabelle that I would love to introduce Isabelle to sometime), Bella Bose, Timothy Budd, Paul Paulson (who almost adopted a boy from Tiawan so knows what the process feels like), Christine Wallace (who gave me the assurance that naming Isabelle with the Spanish version of my name was okay and who is amazingly good with babies for someone who doesn't have any of her own, but she does have dogs which is similar), Terri Fiez, Carlos Jensen (who talked to her in Spanish), Ron Matoyer, Tom Plant, and Weng Keen Wong. We tried to visit Martin Erwig and Eugene Zhang, but they were out.

After we had been through 3 floors of the Kelley Engineering Building introducing Isabelle, we went to Molly Shor's house so Isabelle could play with her twins, Prashant and Ayara, who were born in January but were pre-mature (as twins almost always are) so they are really almost the same age. They had great toys and the kids had a good time together.

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