viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007

Intel TDE Christmas Party

Today we all (Robert and I, Robert's parents, and Isabelle) went out to lunch, then to the store to get a Christmas outfit (the outfit is Amanda from Antigua's fault because she got me hooked on Gymboree) and then out to Robert's work's Christmas party. There was lots of great food, but Isabelle's favorite thing to do was watch the other children there. For about 20 minutes she was happy just to be held and look around, but after that she wanted to get down and crawl around to the different kids. And, she can really move along when she crawls now.

These pictures are from after the party when Dad was playing with an Isabelle who was getting cranky.

Last night we had some people stop in while Robert was giving Isabelle her bottle and putting her to bed. He gave up after about 20 minutes because she just refused to go to sleep even though she was really sleepy. He said she would almost be asleep, and then she'd raise one foot and her eyes would pop open. So Robert would hold her feet while rocking her, and she would raise one hand and then her eyes would pop open. He finally got her to sleep when he pinned her hands and legs and rocked her. I can tell she's going to tough to keep to a cerfew when she gets older.

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