miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

My Ski Bunny Child

Here is Izzy in the outfit from her Aunt Deanna. I love it because she looks like a Ski Bunny, someone who goes to the slopes to be seen in her cool outfit and may fit some skiing in. (you can't really see it in the picture, but the sweater and pants have glitter and there are a pair of "suede" boots)
Here are the two outfits Izzy got from Aunt Tamara. I like the bright colors.
Robert has solved the problem of Isabelle taking off her bib by putting a vise grip on it. I love it, it's such a guy solution, and it works.
Here's Isabelle helping Dad with work on the bathroom ceiling. We won't go into why work needed to be done on the ceiling.

Izzy got another pair of teeth in over the last week, so she's up to 5. She got the front two on top in. These ones seemed to come in more easily than the other teeth have (thankfully) with no more than a day or so of soreness. She no longer has the cutely off-center look she did have when she had the two middle bottom teeth and one on the top to the right of where the center two would be. I thought it was adorable once the nurse assured me there was no problem with them coming in in an odd order.

Isabelle has figured out how to turn around at the top of the stairs to come back down them.

She likes her train, and mostly uses it to play music that she dances to. She is now pulling herself up on everything in sight and doesn't spend much time on the ground, but doesn't do more than cruise. She has started using the high-chair as a support to walk across the kitchen although she doesn't make it too far yet.

Someone is a total pizza snarf. We've had pizza twice and each time she's eaten a whole slice (minus crust) plus some fruit. She also loves meat loaf and mashed potatoes. And she likes tart things like oranges, pomegranite seeds and cranberry juice. And, if you bring out the whole cranberry jelly for desert, she practically climbs out of her seat to get it before you put some on her tray.