jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

We're Really Cruising

We are now cruising on everything. We go along the couch to the coffee table, we go around the coffee table, and if there's nothing else to cruise on we cruise along the wall. The floor is just for kids who can't pull themselves up. We even like having Mom hold our hand while we walk a couple of steps.

I'm looking forward to you walking, but I'm also dreading it. The drawers with spices in them are now withing your grasp, and once you start walking you will begin pulling things out of them. Ever since Robert and I went to the first aid class where the instructor described how sick one of his dorm mates got by swallowing a bunch nutmeg (to see if he got visions) I am wary of you getting into spices. As well as the fact that I don't want to be picking them up from the floor 10 times a day. I suppose I could just tell you no, but a) I don't want to be saying "no" all day long and b) I don't want to worry when you're out of my sight for a moment,

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