viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

We Have a Screamer

I have found the blog entry that puts what it's like to have a screamer, and is a total gas to read.

I hope she's kept it up to date because I plan to read further about what to do about and expect from the (as the books put it, and it sounds so easy to deal with when they say it) "especially active and intense child".

Day before yesterday was "scream all day" day. It began in Winco as we were shopping. I tried giving her green beans to keep her busy, tickling her, singing. Then I started putting my hand over or into her mouth (keeping the fingers away from the teeth - I've learned that too many times). Most people laughted or gave me a knowing I've-been-through-that -stage look and as far as I could tell we got no glares.

We picked up Dad from work and then proceeded to crawl right up each nerve ending he has.

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