viernes, 11 de enero de 2008

No, Don't Eat the Dog Food

I thought the biggest problems with your food and toys was to keep Isbre, our dog, out of them. It turns out that the problems is keeping you away from Isbre's food. When you hears food going into Isbre's dish, you start crawling towards the dish like mad. For DOG FOOD. Honestly. This morning I took a moment to read the headline from the paper, and when I looked up you were into Isbre's food and Isbre was eating as fast as she could. When I ran to the dish, you had two handfuls of food and some inyour mouth. Yummy?! So I made you give it all back to Isbre, who happily ate it. Yes, that's right, I fished dog food out of your mouth and gave it to the dog. Motherhood can be so odd.

You also like to play with Isbre's toys, especially when she's chewing on her plastic bones. You take the bone away, then wave it in front of her nose. Isbre has more patience than I do, because usually she just looks harrassed and takes the bone back. She's not willing, though, to let you crawl on her - go figure. The only time I was worried about Isbre with you was yesterday when you crawled in her kennel when she was there. I heard a sound from Isbre that meant she was losing patience and I whisked you right out of there. Okay, I've stressed before that the kennel is off-limits to you, especially when Isbre is in there. What else do I need to do?! I don't know how to keep you out but let Isbre in. Sighhhhhh.

Isbre never touches your toys, but Tesla (our cat) loves them. All your little balls are fair game as far as he's concerned, and late at night I'll hear him batting them around. There's one ball, to your musical tool box, that we still haven't found. Other's we've found under and behind book-cases and desks. Some of them we won't find until we move.

And, for a rant, why can't they settle on one size for balls that go with toys. Come on guys, standardize. Instead of the Senate having hearings on steroids for baseball players, they should be discussing this problem. No toy that comes with balls can use the balls from another toy. They look like they should work, they're so close in size. But no, they get stuck or they won't fit in the chute or they're too small and fall through without making music. Thank God the makers of the train knew kids and the toy ball problem and make it easy to take the back off the train and take out whatever is plugging up the ball rolling belt. If they can make standardized sizes for computer plug-ins, they can do it for balls that come with toys.

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