domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

Kisses, Church, and Grocery Store

Isabelle has started making a new noise. It's something between a kiss and the way you smack your lips when your food is REALLY good. Tommy was doing it before we left Guatemala, and now Isabelle has caught up. I think it's adorable.

We went to church today and introduced Isabelle around and gave the Dean his stole from Guatemala. She is a charmer for sure. She's got this cute little shy smile down pat, and then she'll smile a big smile where her two front teeth show and people are hooked.

We did the big shopping trip to Winco this afternoon. It feels so weird to have so many choices for everything, like 20 kinds of soup and a huge selection of baby food. And, you can take a shopping cart right down the aisle - amazing! In La Bodagona (Antigua's "big" grocery store) I had trouble making it through the aisles with Isabelle in a hip sling and sometimes had to back out of an aisle and try it from the other side.

2 comentarios:

Terry dijo...

Please, please, PLEASE tell me what you think about YOUR grocery store now that you've experienced Bodegona! :)


elizabethAndIsabelle dijo...

My store has a BAZILLION choices and aisles the size of major freeways. But I miss the unique offers at La Bodegona, with items like a gallon of Cola and a can of Cola taped together or getting a deal if you buy both crayons and bug spray. And all the people here are WAY too tall :-)