miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

I Almost Cried at the Doctor's

Isabelle went for her post-adoption check-up at the doctor (we went to OHSU Family Wellness Center, which has a travel/adoption specialist). Everything went fine and she was charming all the people who saw her until we had the flu shot and TB test. I held her for the nurse for the flu shot and it almost killed me. Then she needed to try the TB test 3 times because Isabelle would move. After the 2nd time, I told her that I couldn't hold Isabelle so she got another nurse to help. When the 3rd time looked like it wasn't going to work, I grabbed Isabelle off the table and said we would try this another day. She was so upset and I couldn't stand it. Thankfully, the nurse had finished the test right before I grabbed her.

When we went down to the car I almost cried while I was giving her a bottle. It's amazing what happens when those Mommy hormones kick in.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Don’t worry Mommy. Your baby already forgot the pain. Babies get a lot of shots during the first years of their lives. Sometimes 4 or 5 on one visit. I remember the first time. It was traumatic. But then I got used to it and focused on making things more efficient. I have noticed that holding your child tight helps shorten the experience. I just hold their upper bodies and kiss them. I let the nurses handle the legs. I always bring something with me that helps calm them down. For Alex it is his pacifier. I also feed him right after shots, still in the doctor’s office. For Sonia it is her favorite toy which she uses as a cover for sucking her thumb. She also does better when she can watch what is happening to her. The only thing that I really dread are blood tests from the vein. Alex had one because of prolonged jaundice. There was nothing I could do to help. But then I fed him and he fell asleep. He woke up cheerful like nothing ever happened.
