miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

Feeling Better

We both felt good enough today to go for a cookie run to Cookies Etc, a store with fabulous cookies for about 25 cents each. They have all the best types, from peanut butter to chocolate chocolate. We stopped in an art studio with some gorgeous art, and the woman at the front desk proved that art dealers here are as snooty as the ones in the states. I may still get one of the unframed pieces because I like it. My rule is to see if I'm still thinking about it in 2 days, because then I know I really want it.

"Comida Rapida" literally translates to "Fast Food".
And here is another way to have fast food. people set up their "restaurant" out on the street. Some, like this woman, bring their own chairs for their patrons and use small plastc stools as tables. Others just have a single basket that they pull all the food out of.

This is the way road work is done here. Lots of simple materials and workers, fairly slow work. Never any machinery.

Now that Isabelle can sit up for as long as she wants, she doesn't like to lie down. I think she now thinks that lying down is only for babies, and of course she's too big for that. Here she is with Tommy sitting on the couch.

She wants bites of what I have when I eat. Mushed tomatoes, papayas, and bits of tamale seem to work fine. She also seems to be better at putting herself to sleep than I am. I've tried holding her and rocking her when I know she's tired but doesn't want to sleep, and she just gets more upset. If I put her down in the play 'n pack, she'll fuss or cry for a few minutes, then fall asleep. I wish I knew the secret formula; I'd like to be able to help her. Sometimes, if she's hungry when she's tired, she'll drink some milk and fall asleep in my arms. That's very sweet, and often I'll just hold her for a while in my arms because it is so sweet and she looks so angelic.

1 comentario:

Williams dijo...

Elizabeth and Isabelle,

It is so fun to see these new pictures all the time! Isabelle is growing and looking so healthy. She certainly knows what she wants it seems from your postings. Your entries are so fun to read and I love how you give tribute to an absolutely beautiful country and teach others about it's beauty through your pictures. You are an amazing person and Isabelle is so lucky to be going home with you! Isabelle, Blake and I miss you so much. We hope to play soon!