martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Yah Yah!! Sunny day

It was a rare sunny day in Oregon in the winter today.  It's supposed to start being it's usual cold and rainy self again tomorrow, so when you asked to go to the playground for the 5th time today, I said yes.  We went to Magnolia park after gymnastics and you had a blast.  You could run around on the equipment all day, especially with me trailing along after you, pushing you on the swings and sliding down slides with you and climbing up the chain ladders. 

Several times you found other kids to play with.  You're still a bit new at the social scene, so it's good to see you playing.  You still need lots of prompting. 

"Tell her your name." 


"Say 'My name is Isabel.'" 

"My Name is Isabel."

"Ask her her name."


"Ask her what her name is."

"What's your name?"

For three year olds, that seems to be all it takes to get the ball rolling.  You and another girl, Freya, ran around played with saw dust and played with a ball you found until Freya tripped and got a bloody lip.  Even then you both wanted to play more, but Freya was looking a bit peeked so her mother took her for something to drink (milk, not something stronger).

You did very well in gymnastics today.  Dad gave you the big pep talk this morning and really poured it on thick. 

"I want you to be my good big girl today and do well in gymnastics.  Can you do that?"

"Yes Daddy."

"What does being good mean?"

"Listen to the teacher." (You have heard that several hundred times now.)


"Watch what she shows."

"Yes, and.."

"Follow the other kids."

"Yes, and..."


"Do all the obstacles on your course."

"Oh yeah, yes."

"Good job.  I know I'll be so proud of you.  When you finish call me up and tell me what a good job you did."

"And I get a snack!"

"Yes, then you get a snack for doing well.  I need you to be good in your class while I'm at work, so you can learn lots.  Can you do that for me?"

"Yes Dad.  Bye."

(kiss) "Bye.  Love you."

"Don't forget your hat., Dad."

"Ok.  Bye."  (Walks out the door.)

"Don't forget your lunch."

"Ok.  Gotta go.  Bye."  (Walks down the steps.)

"Don't walk in the street.  Come home about five thirty seventy two." (yelled as Dad's walking across the street).

(Hand wave from Dad.)

I wasn't sure if he poured it on a little thick, but you lapped it up and did your best.

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