martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Visiting My Grandma

My Grandmother, Constance Byrne, is beginning to get more and more frail. At the beginning of December the folks at the senior center where she lives, Saint Joseph's Villa, didn't think she'd live much longer. So, I went to visit her a week before Christmas. She was born in 1912 and is 96 years old. I wasn't sure how I'd feel when I first saw her this time because it has been about 2 years since I've seen her and I know she would be close to death. Yet when I got there it was so wonderful to see her that all my fears went away.

That doesn't mean it wasn't a very intense and difficult time, because it was. It was hard to see Grandma having so many difficulties. At the same time, it was very peaceful in a deep way and very satisfying. She's the same woman that I've always loved and it was a gift to be able to spend time with her. I believe she knew I was there several times because she would stroke my hand or play with it, like she used to do. The radio in the corner of the room was playing classical music on about full volume and there was furniture from Grandma's house in her room that made the room feel homey. I feel that I was able to say good by to Grandma.

1 comentario:

Barbara B. Solbrig dijo...

I am so glad you got to have that visit with your Grandmother before she was gone. The chance to say goodbye is so important.
My prayers for peace are with you all.