sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

Play Gone Wrong

I thought I had a great idea. We would take you and Lauren to OOTW pizza where you could play all evening. You LOVE to play there so much that I thought you wouldn't mind us leaving. Well, there was a small miscalculation there. You loved going there and you loved playing with all of us when your Dad and I were there. But, when I told you we were leaving and kissed you good bye you began to pout. Then you went over to Lauren and pushed her until she was several feet from us, then came back to us. Good natured Lauren came back over to us, and you pushed her several feet away again. Your Dad and I just stood there and laughed because it was so funny.

We stayed for a few more minutes and I ran around with you and Lauren until I thought you were occupied, then we left. Everything went well for an hour and half, then we got a call from Lauren that you are crying and that you've just thrown up. So, we hopped in the car and head back to get you. On the way there Lauren called again and had Dad talk to you to calm you down a little. He kept saying "It's Dada, we'll be there in a few minutes. Are you okay? Have you been playing?". When we get there 5 minutes later your eyes are red and your face is blotchy from crying. We calmed you down and then Dad took you down the slides a few times and you didn't want to leave then, which meant you were feeling much better. I'm really glad you've attached so well to Dad and I, but I'm sorry it's hard on you sometimes.

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