jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Sunny California

We're in San Jose, California, trooping along with you dad while he goes to a radio frequency class for work. While he's relearning wave math and measuring rf electronics, you and I play in the bath and go to the pool and take walks along the duck stream. They have actual sunshine here, something that's in such short supply in Portland that everyone runs outside if we see some.

We are staying at a Residence Inn, so we have a little kitchen, but no seperate bedroom. So your room is the sliding door closet. That sounds terrible, but you love it. Yesterday, as a true first, when I gave you your milk, yogurt, and juice smoothy in the middle of the morning, you took it, went into your closet (room), drank it, and fell alseep. I was awe-struck, and then hurried to bed to get a nap with you because I knew there wouldn't be an afternoon nap if you took one in the morning.

To understand how truly amazing it was that you spontaneously took a nap, it's important to know that you hate sleep with a passion that makes Madonna's desire to stay forever in the limelight seem like a passing, feeble yen. You need to be tricked into sleep, so your body can take over and just fall over. When it's time for bed you we turn on the heater in your room, put on classical music, wrap you in a blanket, feed you warm milk from a bottle, and rock you in the rocking chair. While we're doing this, if you feel yourself drifting off you will begin to make odd mouth noises, wave an arm or a foot, or whack yourself in the head with your hand. You want to be involved in everything that's going on. So when you went to sleep on your own it was an awesome moment. And I think it's so cool that you like your closet. It's your own secure little spot.

1 comentario:

Terry dijo...

Forget sunny CA and China...they need to send him on a trip to New Orleans we can all meet up for brunch and Bloody Marys. You do know that if he's ever sent here, you HAVE to let me know.

Loved the new pics of Isabelle. She is SO PRECIOUS!! And there's no mistaking now that she is a girl.
