martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Pizza Play

We went to the wrong place for a play group (bummer) so instead you and Dad and I went to the pizza play place. You ADORE the little kids slides. You probably went up and down 15 times. It took you the whole time you were there to work up to it, but by the end of lunch you were going down the slide all on your own (we weren't even catching you) and sometimes you caught yourself on your feet and stood up. I was really amazed at that; I hate to think how long that took me when I was a kid.

Tonight you were using Dad as a jungle gym. You don't like to sit still at all and never watch TV even if Dad and I are both sitting and watching it. So for 45 minutes you had Dad help you up on the sofa, crawled over his reclining body, repelled down the sofa using his legs, and ran around to this head to do it again. We don't need the $1000 play structure, you just use your dad and I.

You've been eating and sleeping a lot (for you) over the last few days. I wonder if you're about to grow again. Probably, because I just got you a bunch of new clothes at the Pass It On sale, so you're working to outgrow them.

Lately you want to be held ALL THE TIME when we are home. (If we're out and there's something interesting to do, then you want down right then. Sometimes I feel a little like a transportation device to interesting places.) And I love doing it. I don't get very much done around the house, but I still really love doing it.

You've learned the sign for dance and for frog, and recognise the ceramic frogs in the garden.

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