viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

Swimming Lessons

You loved your swimming lessons. You adored them. At first you weren't sure what to do with group activities - you always have your own agenda. You would be completely surprised when we started doing something in a group, like bouncing in a circle in the water and singing a song. What was going on? Why wasn't someone just watching me and playing what I wanted to play? That's what we do at home, or when you go to someone else's house. And, by the way, what is the deal with floating on my stomach and back? That doesn't seem normal! I like being head up sitting on your hip.

But by the last week you were going along like a pro. You would bounce around floating on your tummy and even try floating on your back for more than 2 seconds at a time. Not much more, but a little and progress is progress.

From the beginning of the class you were the first one to want to jump in. All the other kids would be sitting patiently on their Mom's laps, ready to wait until after our first song to be lifted gently into the water. You, since I wouldn't let you slide into the water on your own, were bent double at the waist with your hands in the water splashing.

1 comentario:

Williams dijo...

Hi Elizabeth, Robert and Isabelle! I still love reading your blog to keep up to date! We need MORE PICTURES though! If you put more on, I promise to put more (I'm slacking a bit). How fun with swimming lessons. Blake would love them. Glad to hear all is well. Also, I still need your address to send you your stocking!
Love, Lara, Chris and Blake Williams