lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Too Busy Being Mom

It's been almost a month since I last posted, and I have no real good excuse.

Robert's in China last week and this week. I've got Junea coming in for 5 hours a day to watch Isabel so I can get some things done.

Tried putting her on the little potty from IKEA once when I saw she was going to poop. Wow, what a disaster. I started to clean up before she was done, she finished pooping on the floor and then wanted to play in it. When cleaning it up, I used some paper towels and almost stopped up the toilet.

Bye bye with a wave is down pat now, although only when I don't ask her to.

Still not a cuddle baby, but she leans in every once in a while and I encourage it with an "awwwwwww". And she hugs my knees a lot. And likes to be picked up and carried around.

Last night she ended up on my bed to sleep because I slipped in to watch her sleep and woke her up. I can't regret it, though.

We went to church for Easter and she wore the dress Mom knit her, and it got lots of adoring comments.

Isabel likes to put things into baskets and bags, and then take them out, and then put them back in again.

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