domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

We're All Sick

All of us are sick with colds, or probably all the same cold. We've only been sick for about a week, but it feels like forever.

Isabelle finished her swimming class and did wonderfully. By the last day she was best in her class, putting her face in the water on her own to blow bubbles and was very comfortable having me hold her in the water on her tummy.

She has learned how to wave and often will wave at everyone, including anyone passing by us in a store. She can get confirmed bachelors to smile and does look hurt when someone just passes by without returning her wave. Sigh, one of life's lessons.

She is walking like a trooper and getting faster and more stable every day. I still have fun dressing her up because she looks so good in everything.

She says daddy and rides around on her motor bike (Daddy is the engine power). She likes slides and will go down one non-stop for 15 minutes.

Her birthday present from us was a forward-facing car seat.

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