martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

More Isabelisms

Yesterday, you were playing on the stools at the kitchen bar with Dad. You were on one and calling it a train. Dad got on a stool and called it a bike. Then he lifted both hands up in the air and said "No Hands". You hustled over to him and started pushing on his hands. Not pushing them down to the "handle-bars", but towards his arms. Dad was confused until you said "There, hands back on."

From there, you put back on all the body parts, just to be sure.

Also yesterday, Sunday, you were an angel in the Christmas pageant at church. Somehow it seemed appropriate that your halo was always a little askew. You did pretty well during the walk up to the front of the church, although you didn't twirl like you were supposed to. But then you got all your twirling in, since you didn't stop twirling for almost all the rest of the pageant. You slowly twirled around the front of the alter, and almost into the Christmas tree. After a while you twirls started to look a little drunken as you got dizzy. After the service, everyone said they were just waiting for you to fall down, but you never did.

You had terrible coughing last night, and threw up 3 times from coughing so hard. Today we went to your Doctor, Dr. Lufti, who said you have a sinus infection and prescribed an antibiotic (amoxicillan). I was pleased after the swine flu that only I got a sinus infection, not you. But got one too.

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