miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Baby Proof?

The baby proofing of the cupboards and drawers worked for a year, but their time is up. You can now open one of the "baby proof" cupboards, and since they're all baby proofed the same way, the others are only a matter of time. The one you are getting into has the dog treats, and since you love to feed the dog treats I see you over there all the time now. Since Isbre has gotten into that cupboard when it wasn't closed fully and eaten enough treats to make herself sick, this is a problem.

You and Isbre have started playing together for a few minutes at a time, and I love it because you are both so high energy. And you love playing with Isbre. You shepherd her into your room when it's nap time (you've started shepherding your Dad and I as well, by getting behind us and giving little pushes) and look for her first thing in the morning. When she goes to Shroeder's for doggy day care, you ask about her during the day and love to go with one of us to get her.

You and I are in the last stages (knock on wood) of a cold that Robert hasn't caught (It's good to have someone well in the house to take care of the rest of us). We're coughing and sounding horrible, but feeling better. Just in time for thanksgiving :-)

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