martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

You've started to put two words (signs) together. You tell me that birds are eating or squirrels are eating. At first I thought you were just telling me you wanted to eat, like you always want to eat. But then you kept pointing at the bird feeder or the squirrel feeder. Wow, I finally got it.

Today was a pretty typical day. We all get up at 6:00 or 6:30 because you come into our room and wake us up, usually by crawling on us. I have my coffee and you have some of Dad's oatmeal and yogurt. Then we put the harness on Isbre and hook her to the cart Dad made (one of the most interesting looking contraptions on the road!) and walk Dad to work. You point out the planes in the sky and the play structures and the cars and bikes on the way in. You start out with your hat on but drop it into the cart pretty soon, and you've started taking off your sweater as well. I don't know if you get warm or are just tired of clothing - I think you'd go naked most of the day if you could.

We met two other Moms at Magnolia park where there are two play structures - one for little kids and one for bigger ones - and a fountain for kids to play in. You played on the two play structures, mostly by swinging on the bars. You're still learning to move out of the way when you have squated on the stairs and someone else wants to get past, so we're working on that. You spent an hour going up and down stairs and swinging on bars (often with your feet off the ground).

Then we came home and I gave you a bottle of milk in the rocking chair at about 11:30 and you fell asleep (and I did too for a few minutes). You slept for about an hour and then came to get me. (An hour isn't long enough, but you've started sleeping that little the last few days. It means you're really cranky in the afternoon and evening.) You tried to sit in Isbre's kennel with her and close the door on the two of you. I needed to keep pulling you out of the kennel and you won't listen or pay attention to anything else when you're with Isbre. It's like she's your older sister. You pester her to death, but love to be around her. And she treats you a lot like a younger sister. She barely puts up with you most of the time.

You had tortilla with melted cheese for lunch, and I tried putting you in a chair with a pillow on it and that worked well. It's about time to get you a booster seat.

We played with your crayons for awhile. You can draw on any paper not in books, so you've started to scribble on the paper, pointing out the horses and babies in the pictures.

I made brownies and let you lick the spoon and then you pestered the dog some more when she was licking out the bowl. Again, I caught you in her kennel, playing on the bowl with the spoon while Isbre, captive, watched, careful of the moving spoon.

We picked up your toys and then we went to meet Dad on his way back from work. You want down from the ergo pack when you see him, and you go running to him. It's very sweet, and then Dad carries you home except for the periods you want to walk. We stop at the sheep field and Dad picks two apples for you to give the two brown sheep in the field. They see us coming and come to the fence to greet us, and I don't know what we'll do when the apples are all gone and you still want to feed the sheep :-) Isbre goes crazy trying to herd the sheep and they totally ignore her because they have grown up with her barking at them and they know she's harmless. Isbre eats grass around the sheep to show she is one of them.

We got home and Dad and I worked on getting my worms to move from finished compost to new food sludge. You spent the time truly trying our patience by trying to get into the worm bin, trying to dig in the worm poop, flinging worm poop around on a stick, and screaming every time we wouldn't let you do one of those things (remember what I said about you being cranky with a short nap).

We had dinner and you tried all of it (rice, tuna fillet, corn and soy beans, and even spinach), but were rubbing your eyes with tiredness halfway through the meal. You had nectarine for desert, I put you in pajamas and after 5 minutes you asked for more to eat. I asked if you wanted milk, and you said yes. That's the sign that you're ready for bed. You got a little piece of brownie, then I fed you your bottle until you weren't interested any more. You make the tooth-brushing sign and we brush your teeth and you spit into the sink when we're done (you've been practicing spitting around the house this week - fortunately you don't have much saliva behind it). I read you two stories twice and tell you good night. You make sad noises for a few minutes until Dad goes in and tells you its time for sleep. Then you fall asleep. Creating the energy to do it all again tomorrow.

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