sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Giant Polar Express

Last night we went to see the polar express at OMSI on their giant screen. We went with Jami and Grayson and all had a great time. Then we went with them into OMSI, and you and Grayson pulled us into the Kids Explore Land the moment you saw it. You two began by collecting big plastic acorns, as many as your little arms could carry, and moved on to going after bears in the bear cave, hiding the acorns in the eagle's nest, pulling stuff up in the bucket on a pulley, and lastly played in the sand.

Today we had waffles, you went with me to mail a package, we stopped to shop at New Seasons, and you played with Dad while I rested. For lunch you had a few spoonfuls of soup while Dad and I had ham and cheese sandwiches and soup. For dinner you had pees with cheese.

You adore "Carol of the Bells" and will listen to it non-stop. You have almost memorized the words to it and can sing it pretty well. You want to hear it EVERY time we get in the car, and Dad and I have to negotiate with you on how many other songs we'll hear before we play "Carol of the Bells" 4 times through.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

UP and down

Your moods seem to go way way UP and then way way DOWN. You never seem to be just floating along. Today you were thrilled to see me after day care at Aunty B's and talked about what you'd done, then had a screaming fit when I took your Boggle game away when you were really rude. Then were back to happy bouncy kid for dinner and movie.

Your bike riding is fabulous. You have changed your Christmas list twice now (took off the bike basket and snuffaluffagus and put on the game Operation with Buzz Lightyear and a Thomas the Train set with the mountain).

School is going well. You're not part of the cool kids, but you are playing more with the other kids and it doesn't seem to be bothering you as much as it used to.

Two days ago you said "Your Daddy's life." I said "Yes, and I'm also his wife." (Don't know where you heard that :-) So you said "And Daddy is your wife." "No, Daddy is my husband."