martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

Bicuspids Are Coming

Your top front bicuspids are coming in. Right after I decided that you weren't going to get in any new teeth for a while, that you felt 8 teeth were enough for you and I could just get used to cutting up your food forever. Why go through the painful process of growing teeth when Mom is there to cut up your food for you?? It doesn't make sense.

Then, the last couple of days you have been pointing to your jaw and running your hand along the jaw line. I must admit that I am not the brightest bulb in the pack, as it took me almost a week to get the hint. "Hello!!" you were saying, "Do I need to make you a sign and hang it around my neck with an arrow that says "New Teeth Coming In Here"??!!".

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

More than 10 Signs

You now know a bunch of signs. You know:
  • flower (these are all over)
  • dog (you can spot these anywhere)
  • cat
  • food
  • water
  • cheese
  • hello
  • diaper change
  • potty
  • duck
  • bird
  • sheep
  • quiet

The sign for quiet is what you do right after you scream. It started when we were at a poker party and you began to scream. I wanted to finish drinking my Irish coffee, so I tried desperately to shush you. You saw a lot of "QUIET!". And it always was right after you screamed.

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Fabulous Baptism

Your baptism was wonderful. It was on Sunday and you acted about like I expected. You squirmed and wiggled in my arms the whole time we were up at the baptismal font. You would have thought you had a burr in your underwear. Grandma Hash stayed with you in the nursery until soon before the baptism because you could tell there something different going on and you were not going to be left on your own in there. I went to get you about 15 minutes before the sermon was finished and the baptism was to begin.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

Tonight You Told Me You Wanted to Sleep!!

You are learning signs crazy fast now, like you can't wait to be understood. I showed you the sign for sleep about a week ago at nap time, and now you use it for your bed and when you just wake up. (Your version of "sleep" has your open palm under your face, like your jaw hurts.) Then, tonight, at about 8pm, you showed me the sleep sign a few times, then rubbed your eyes. I'm ecstatic.